How to Burn Belly Fat Fast!

Over the course of the past few months and years you have found your belly fat becoming more and more. You never intended for it to happen but now when you look in the mirror you are more than a little disappointed at all the fat you have accumulated. You wonder how it has gotten so bad and are feeling a bit self-conscious about it, and the occasional hurtful comments about the size of your belly are really starting to get to you.

Whatever it is that finally got you to this article you are in the right place. Here you are going to be given a short crash course in 'How to burn belly fat'. There are three primary separate things you have to consider, they are: exercise, diet and lifestyle. Let's take a look at each one more closely and shed some light on what you should be doing in each area in order to burn your belly fat fast!

1) Exercise. Sorry to bring this up but there is no getting away from it if you really want to know how to burn belly fat. Exercising is one of the best things to do. The two main reasons for this are that:
a) As you exercise you are burning off calories that otherwise may be stored as fat or your body is taking stored calories (fat tissue) and using them as a supply of energy.

b) Exercise increases the speed of your metabolism and will help burn belly fat. Don't worry about the science, it just means that you are burning up more calories even when you are not exercising!
What exercises should you do?

The two best things are interval training (HIIT) and weight training. A sample (HIIT) workout would be on a treadmill: jog at 40% effort for 3 minutes (warm-up) then run at 90% effort for 2 minutes then jog at 60% effort for 1 minute, follow this again with 1 minute at 60% effort. Repeat this cycle for 20 minutes or more if you can. This is very intense and burns lots of calories and is the perfect way to burn belly fat.

As regards weight training this brings you gains in muscle mass. Muscle mass requires more energy to support it than fat tissue so the more you have the more calories you will burn off, even at rest! Use the following exercises: squats, dead lifts, bench-press, shoulder press, pull-ups and rows. Do three sets of each exercise for around 10 reps with a weight that means the last rep is very tough. Try doing this

twice a week and do a further three interval training sessions per week and watch the belly melt away!
2) Diet. I don't want you to 'go on' a diet, that makes it sound like one day you can come off it! You cannot (unless you want to get your belly back again), it should be more of a permanent change. Try to make sure that you eat 4-5 times per day smaller meals rather than large ones. Avoid the fast foods, sweets and so on and try to stick to fruits, vegetables and such like. Never skip breakfast this can slow down your metabolism as too can eating large meals infrequently.

3) Lifestyle. Don't worry you can still have fun but reducing your alcohol intake is great for burning belly fat, as to is adding small bouts of exercise to your daily lifestyle, by this I mean walking rather than taking the bus a couple of stops and other simple changes like using the stairs and not the lift. Don't forget to drink plenty of water, your body needs this for the chemical reactions to burn belly fat. Finally, stay positive! Your belly won't disappear overnight but with persistent effort, in a few short months your belly can be vastly reduced.

So know you know how to burn belly fat fast, what are you going to do? It is your choice!
The Author provides a FREE 6 part 'Burn Belly Fat' mini-course available here: How To Burn Belly Fat or Burn Belly Fat.
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